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Current Funding

4 years funding

Approved for phase 1

January 2021 - December 2022

Phase 1 = CHF 200,000.00

Total: CHF 400,000.00

Using super-resolution microscopy to unravel the physiological and pathological roles of TDP-43 liquid-liquid phase separation

Scientific abstract: Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a physical property allowing for oligomerization of proteins by weak non-covalent interactions. LLPS is a newly identified mechanism that regulates several functions in cells, including RNA processing and transport, as well as stress response. In this context, the TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), an RNA binding protein, is under high scrutiny for its central role in cellular physiology. TDP-43 oligomerization is necessary for RNA splicing functions, and destabilization of TDP-43 oligomers leads to aggregation and cellular toxicity. Moreover, aggregation of TDP-43 is a hallmark of two devastating neurodegenerative diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), frontotemporal lobar dementia (FTLD) and limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE). A central question over the past decade has been how LLPS drives protein aggregation. While the mechanism(s) of this transition remain far from resolved, the field has made great progress in deciphering several key steps and drivers in the process. However, the complexity of TDP-43 function and regulation has been a central problem to understand its role in human disease. One of the limitations stems from the techniques employed to explore these processes. Biochemical approaches do not offer spatial information, and limited resolution of conventional microscopy leads to incomplete answers, and usually requires the use of overexpression of fusion proteins to explore these questions. To overcome these limitations and uncover the physiological and pathological mechanisms involving TDP-43, I will use super resolution microscopy (SRM), in particular direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) and structured illumination microscopy (SIM). The goal of this project is to improve our knowledge on TDP-43 in regard to physiological oligomerization and pathological mechanisms leading to aggregation. I will use SRM to identify the role of physiological TDP-43 oligomers in RNA processing using dSTORM imaging and markers for specific subnuclear compartments. Using live-SIM imaging, I will explore the regulation of physiological TDP-43 oligomers under stress conditions using cell lines and human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons and astrocytes. Finally, I will systematically assess the role of phosphorylation currently exclusively associated with pathological TDP-43 aggregates in the physiological regulation of TDP-43 phase separation and its transition to pathology. Altogether, this study will unravel the molecular machinery controlling TDP-43 compartmentalization and will highlight key steps mediating its dysregulation and aggregation associated with TDP-43 proteinopathies. My results will open new paths for developing efficient drugs to specifically target pathological aggregation of TDP-43 and restore its physiological functions.

Lay abstract (english): Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a newly identified mechanism that regulates several functions in cells, including RNA metabolism and cellular stress response. In this context, the TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is under high scrutiny for its central role in cellular physiology and its central role in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal lobar dementia, and in a subset of Alzeimer's disease cases. The complexity of TDP-43 function and regulation has been a central problem to understand its role in human disease. The goal of this project is to improve our knowledge on TDP-43 and the pathological mechanisms leading to aggregation using advanced super resolution microscopy techniques. Altogether, this study will unravel the molecular process regulating TDP-43 and will highlight key steps leading to the pathology. My results will open new paths for developing efficient drugs to specifically target pathological aggregation of TDP-43 and restore its physiological functions.

Lay abstract (french): La séparation de phase liquide-liquide a récemment été identifiée comme mecanisme regulateur de plusieurs fonctions cellulaires, comme la régulation des ARNs ou la réponse cellulaire au stress. Parmis les proteines impliquées dans ce processus, TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) a une place centrale de part son role physiologique et son implication dans la sclérose latérale amyotrophique, la démence fronto-temporale et dans certains cas de la maladie d'Alzheimer. La complexité des fontions de TDP-43 et sa regulation est une question centrale pour comprendre son role dans les maladies neurodégénératives. Le but de mon projet est d'améliorer nos connaissances sur TDP-43 et de comprendre les méchanismes d'aggrégation en utilisant des techniques de microscopie à super-résolution, pour lever le voile sur les etapes clés de l'apparition de la pathologie. Ces résultats ouvriront de nouveaux champs d'étude pour le developpement de traitements qui viseront directement l'aggrégation pathologique de TDP-43 pour restaurer ses fonctions physiologiques.

Past Funding

2 years funding

(July 2017 to June 2019)


Investigation of BIN1 as a risk factor in Tau pathology in an inducible transgenic model

Technical Abstract: This proposal focuses on BIN1, the second most significant late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (LOAD) risk factor identified by genome-wide association studies. BIN1 is an adaptor protein that regulates membrane dynamics, remodeling, and endocytosis in many cell types. LOAD variants have been reported to elevate BIN1 expression and the BIN1 fly homolog overexpression exacerbates Tau pathology in the fly eye, suggesting a gain-of-function mechanism for BIN1 as a risk factor. However, the role of BIN1 in the brain or a link between BIN1 and Tau pathology has not been investigated in the mammalian brain. We and others recently showed that BIN1 is predominantly expressed in mature oligodendrocytes but a subset of neurons in the brains of patients with LOAD begins to express BIN1, albeit at lower levels. Importantly, I identified a selective increase in the levels of the isoform 9 (BIN1iso9) in LOAD brains concomitant with a decrease in the lower abundant brain-specific isoform 1. In order to investigate how these observations translate to increased risk for LOAD, we generated a transgenic line where human BIN1iso9 expression can be activated in a cell-type specific manner by breeding to desired Cre-drivers. I propose to elevate BIN1iso9 or decrease BIN1 expression in neurons to test the hypothesis that BIN1 plays a crucial role in the spreading of Tau in vivo, via inter-neuronal transport. In addition, I will perform mechanistic studies to decipher cellular BIN1 function in order to understand the consequences of elevated BIN1iso9 levels in LOAD. Specifically, I will focus on endocytic processes in neurons and oligodendrocytes. This study will elucidate novel and fundamental information on the role of BIN1 in the brain and its involvement as a risk factor in the development of AD.

Non-Technical Abstract: Genetic studies have recently uncovered several genes that can elevate the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, including the BIN1 gene as the second strongest genetic risk factor for late onset Alzheimer's disease. My lab has generated a BIN1 transgenic model to mimic the increase of BIN1 protein in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease and another model to mimic the reduction of BIN1 expression in the neurons. My goal is to use this transgenic mouse model to investigate how BIN1 functions as a risk factor in AD. I expect that my proposed research will significantly advance the knowledge on BIN1's function in the physiology of the brain, and reveal how it contributes to the disease pathology.

3 years funding

(Feb 2017 to Jan 2020)


In vivo investigation of BIN1 as a risk factor in Tau pathology

Brief project summary: BIN1 is the second most significant late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease (LOAD) risk factor identified by genome-wide association studies. BIN1 is an adaptor protein that regulates membrane dynamics, remodeling, and endocytosis. LOAD variants have been reported to elevate BIN1 expression. However, the role of BIN1 or a link between BIN1 and Tau pathology has not been investigated in the mammalian brain. We and others recently showed that BIN1 is predominantly expressed in mature oligodendrocytes but a subset of neurons in the brains of patients with LOAD begins to express BIN1, albeit at lower levels. Importantly, I identified a selective increase in the levels of the isoform 9 (BIN1iso9) in LOAD brains concomitant with a decrease in the lower abundant brain-specific isoform 1. I propose to achieve elevated BIN1iso9 expression in transgenic mouse brain to test the hypothesis that elevated BIN1iso9 expression will influence Tau pathology and behavioral deficits in Tau transgenic mice.

Lay Abstract: The role of BIN1 or a link between BIN1 and Tau pathology has not been investigated. I will explore how elevated BIN1iso9 expression will influence Tau pathology in a mouse model.

Recent research has uncovered several genes that can elevate the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Exactly how the genetic risk factors contribute to the disease is not readily apparent most of the time and requires cellular and molecular biology investigations (such as this proposal) that use cultured cells and mouse models. The gene BIN1 is identified as the second strongest genetic risk factor. Very little is known on BIN1's function in the brain and how it is related to Alzheimer's disease. My goal is to identify what changes occur in BIN1 protein levels in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. BIN1 is present in multiple forms in the brain all of which may have a different function. My lab has generated a BIN1 transgenic mouse model to mimic the increase of one particular form of the BIN1 protein, which I recently characterized in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. My goal is to use this transgenic mouse model to investigate of Alzheimer's disease-associated pathology and behavior deficits in mice so that we can learn how BIN1 functions as a risk factor in of Alzheimer's disease. I expect that my proposed research will significantly advance the knowledge on BIN1's function in the physiology of the brain, and reveal how it contributes to the disease pathology. This research is essential to determine whether or not BIN1 is a good target for drug development to reduce the risk for Alzheimer's disease.

1 year funding

(July 2015 to June2016)


Synaptic Activity Regulation of Alzheimer's Disease Beta-Secretase 

Project: BACE1 is an enzyme that initiates Alzheimer's disease beta-amyloid (Abeta) production by cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Accumulating evidence demonstrates that synaptic activity dynamically regulates Abeta release near synapses, but the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Recently, we discovered unidirectional dendritic retrograde transport of internalized BACE1 in hippocampal neurons and found evidence that BACE1 undergoes long-range transport from somatodendritic compartment to axon, in a process termed transcytosis. BACE1 undergoes post-translational S-palmitoylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitylation. These modifications on synapse-associated proteins occur in response to synaptic activity, which, in turn, regulate dynamic protein trafficking. I hypothesize that synaptic activity modulates dynamic trafficking at the synapse and transcytosis of internalized BACE1, thus providing a crucial mechanism by which synaptic activity promotes amyloidogenic processing of APP at or near synaptic sites. I will use advanced live-cell imaging and FRAP methods to characterize how synaptic activity affects BACE1 localization in dendritic spines and presynaptic terminals and the local dynamics of BACE1 internalization and recycling at the synapse (Aim 1). In parallel, I will assay transcytosis of internalized BACE1 using microfluidic culture system. Then, I will investigate how synaptic activity modulates dynamic modifications within the cytosolic tail of endogenous BACE1 (Aim 2). I will confirm and extend the findings by performing trafficking studies in neurons expressing BACE1 bearing mutations. My goal to investigate synaptic regulation of BACE1 is highly significant because BACE1 predominantly localizes to presynaptic terminals in the brain, and abnormally accumulates in swollen presynaptic terminals near senile plaques in individuals with AD. Thus, investigating how synaptic activity is coupled to BACE1 trafficking and axonal targeting is highly relevant to mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.

PhD funding 

Award winner of the gradschool « NsCo », PhD granted for 3 years by the « Ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur », France.

3 years funding

(Oct 2010 to Sept2013)

© 2020 Pierre De Rossi Curriculum Vitae

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