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Poster presentation


Template dependent amplification of pathological TDP-43 and roles of phosphorylation

De Rossi P., Lewis A.J., Furrer J., De Vos L., Demeter T., Zbinden A., Zhong W., Wiersma V.I., Scialo C., Böing C., Lashley T., Stahlberg H. and Polymenidou M.,

Synapsis Foundation Forum 2022, Gerzensee

SFN 2022, San Diego, USA


Template dependent amplification of pathological TDP-43 and roles of phosphorylation

De Rossi P., Lewis A.J., Furrer J., De Vos L., Demeter T., Zbinden A., Zhong W., Wiersma V.I., Scialo C., Böing C., Lashley T., Stahlberg H. and Polymenidou M.,

ZNZ meeting, Sept 2022, Zurich

Stuart Berry ZNZ Poster Award! 


Myelin breakdown leads to BIN1 accumulation in amyloid deposits

De Rossi P., Andrew R.J., Musial T., Ponnusamy M., Krause S.V., Buggia-Prevot V., Rice R.C., Pytel P., Nicholson D., Thinakaran G.,

Alzheimer Association International Conference AAIC 2018, Chicago, USA.


Myelin breakdown leads to BIN1 accumulation in amyloid deposits

De Rossi P., Andrew R.J., Musial T., Ponnusamy M., Krause S.V., Buggia-Prevot V., Rice R.C., Pytel P., Nicholson D., Thinakaran G.,

International Conference on Molecular Neurodegeneration ICMN 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.


Deletion of a single bin1 allele does not alter amyloid pathology in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease

Andrew R.J., De Rossi P., Guerbette T., Krause S.V., Rathbun E., Thinakaran G.,

Alzheimer Association International Conference AAIC 2018, Chicago, USA.


Deletion of a single bin1 allele does not alter amyloid pathology in a mouse model of alzheimer’s disease

Andrew R.J., De Rossi P., Guerbette T., Krause S.V., Rathbun E., Thinakaran G.,

International Conference on Molecular Neurodegeneration ICMN 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.

Neuronal BIN1 expression is required for spatial learning and memory

De Rossi P., Andrew R.J., Nomura T., Musial T., Krause S.V., Nicholson D., Contractor A, Thinakaran G.,

Neuroscience day 2018, BRF foundation, Chicago, Feb 2018

Dystrophic neurite accumulation of BACE1 in relation to its endosomal trafficking adaptors EHD1, EHD3, and BIN1 in 5XFAD model,

De Rossi P., Buggia-Prevot V., Salem S., Andrew R.J., Rice R.C., Krause S.V., Pytel P., Band H., Thinakaran G.,

Kloster Seeon meeting on BACE proteases in health and disease, September 25-27, 2016, near Munich, Germany.

VEGF modulates NMDA receptor function and synaptic localization in the hippocampus,

De Rossi P., Bardin M., Chounlamountri N., Benetollo C., Honnorat J., Seugnet L., Salin PA., Meissirel C.,

11th congress of the French Society of Neuroscience – Lyon 2013.

VEGF modulates NMDA receptor function and synaptic localization in the hippocampus,

De Rossi P., Chounlamountri N., Benetollo C., Honnorat J., Salin PA., Meissirel C.,

8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience - Barcelona 2012.


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