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PMID: 21804034

PMCID: PMC3158143


VEGF modulates NMDA receptors activity in cerebellar granule cells through Src-family kinases before synapse formation

Meissirel C, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Knevels E, Coulon C, Chounlamountri N, Segura I, de Rossi P, Vinckier S, Anthonis K, Deléglise B, de Mol M, Ali C, Dassonville K, Loyens E, Honnorat J, Michotte Y, Rogemond V, Smolders I, Voets T, Vivien D, Vanden Berghe P, Van den Bosch L, Robberecht W, Chédotal A, Oliviero S, Dewerchin M, Schmucker D, Thomasset N, Salin P, Carmeliet P.

Abstract: NMDA type glutamate receptors (NMDARs) are best known for their role in synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity. Much less is known about their developmental role before neurons form synapses. We report here that VEGF, which promotes migration of granule cells (GCs) during postnatal cerebellar development, enhances NMDAR-mediated currents and Ca(2+) influx in immature GCs before synapse formation. The VEGF receptor Flk1 forms a complex with the NMDAR subunits NR1 and NR2B. In response to VEGF, the number of Flk1/NR2B coclusters on the cell surface increases. Stimulation of Flk1 by VEGF activates Src-family kinases, which increases tyrosine phosphorylation of NR2B. Inhibition of Src-family kinases abolishes the VEGF-dependent NR2B phosphorylation and amplification of NMDAR-mediated currents and Ca(2+) influx in GCs. These findings identify VEGF as a modulator of NMDARs before synapse formation and highlight a link between an activity-independent neurovascular guidance cue (VEGF) and an activity-regulated neurotransmitter receptor (NMDAR).

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